The CallGenie video device is particularly appropriate for the elderly with cognitive challenges—for example, Dementia, Alzheimer's, or aphasia—or for those with mobility difficulties.  In the following passages, we will try and explain how the CallGenie Video Calling Solution will help you and your loved one.

Key Features of CallGenie that suit many different conditions :

  • Big Screen - CallGenie connects to your TV, which is usually the biggest screen in the house. It's easier to use what's already there than to bring in a new, smaller screen.
  • Big Sound - CallGenie sends the call through your TV speakers. If you can hear the TV, you can hear the video call.
  • Safe & Secure - CallGenie only lets calls from people you know come through. You just add people to your contacts.
  • Quick Connection - CallGenie picks up calls automatically, no need to press anything. It can even turn your TV on and off for the call.
  • Real-Time Subtitles - If hearing gets tough, CallGenie helps by showing live subtitles. You can make the text bigger or smaller to make it easier to read.
  • Lip Reading - With a good internet and high-definition video, CallGenie can help people who are deaf read lips through video calls.
  • Any Device - Your family and friends can use their phones, tablets, or computers to call you. CallGenie makes the connection happen. It works with Skype, which you can get on all kinds of devices.

How do people use CallGenie:

Customers who have purchased CallGenie find it useful for a variety of activities: Screen Sharing – With CallGenie, you can share your screen, which allows you to share videos and photos with others, no matter where you are.

  • Sharing Everyday Moments – Keep your loved ones updated with your daily life by sharing stories, news, or little wins, fostering a feeling of engagement and closeness.
  • Family Gatherings – Bring your loved ones into your celebrations or family get-togethers, despite the miles between you.
  • Combating Loneliness – Staying in regular touch through CallGenie can help ease the sense of isolation that comes from sparse and distant communications.
  • Medical Assistance Calls – When a doctor visits your home, CallGenie can facilitate communication, helping to explain medical discussions more clearly.
  • Virtual Outings – Share experiences like dog walks remotely, allowing those who can't be there in person to enjoy the moment with you.

How Does CallGenie Help:

Video call technology greatly benefits the elderly, individuals with cognitive impairments such as dementia or Alzheimer's, and those with mobility restrictions. It simplifies staying in touch, allowing these individuals to engage with family and friends through easy-to-use interfaces without the fuss of complex technology

CallGenie for the Elderly

For the elderly, the presence of loved ones on a screen can significantly diminish feelings of isolation, fostering a sense of togetherness with their families. It's like a virtual visit, bringing bringing you and loved one together at any time.

CallGenie for Dementia or Alzheimer's Patients

For individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's, video calls can be particularly beneficial. Seeing the person they are conversing with can aid in recognition and provide comfort. CallGenie is designed with simplicity in mind, eliminating the need for users to navigate call initiation or termination.

CallGenie for People with Mobility Issues

Video call devices are a great for those with limited mobility, enabling them to participate in family gatherings or casual conversations with friends from the comfort of their home. It offers the pleasure of social interaction without the physical demands and stress of travel.